What Happens When Lightning Strikes a Metal Roof?

Lightning… even if you don’t know exactly what it is or why (or how) it forms, you’ll know what it can do. Love it or hate it, lightning is undeniably a hugely powerful force of nature, and it can cause a massive amount of damage, and that includes to homes and roofs in particular. 

The idea of lightning striking your home is sure to send shivers down most people’s spines, but the fact is that the roofing material you have can make a big difference in how much damage is done and how well your home withstands the onslaught. You might be wondering what happens when lightning strikes a metal roof, for example, and that’s what this blog post is all about – let’s take a look at how lightning and metal roofs interact and you’ll get all the answers you’re looking for; read on to find out more. 

What Happens To Normal, Non-Metal Roofs?

Before we look at the specifics of lightning and metal roofs, it’s important to understand what typically happens when lightning strikes a non-metal roof, which could be made of materials like asphalt shingles, wood, tile, or other composite materials, for example. The fact is that when lightning strikes these roofs, the results can be devastating for all kinds of reasons. 

Fire Risk

The most immediate concern when it comes to a lightning strike on a non-metal roof is the risk of fire – after all, materials like wood and asphalt are combustible, which means they can easily catch fire when they’re exposed to the kind of heat lightning will bring with it. And even if the roof doesn’t actually catch on fire right away, the heat can cause it to smolder, and then it’ll start burning later on – now that’s incredibly dangerous. 

Structural Damage

The thing about lightning is that it carries a huge amount of energy, and that energy can cause big problems to your home in terms of structural damage. As you might know, when lightning strikes a non-metal roof, it’s going to be drawn to any metal components, no matter how small, such as your gutters, vents, or even nails, and the massive surge of electricity can damage or perhaps even melt these components, and all of a sudden, you’ll find your roof is a lot weaker than it should be. 

Water Damage

Water damage might not be the first thing that comes to mind as an issue when you think about lightning and metal roofs, but it is an issue and can be a cause for concern. Lightning often comes with a storm, which means plenty of rain, and if the roof is already damage because of a lightning strike, that rain is going to find it much easier to get inside your home, and then the real issues can begin – mold and damp will quickly form. Even if the rain isn’t an issue right away, a damaged roof means that your home won’t be protected in the future, so any rainfall after the lightning strike is going to cause a problem. 

What Happens To Metal Roofs In A Lightning Strike? 

Now that we’ve covered what happens to non-metal roofs, it’s time to take a look at what happens when lightning and metal roofs mix – and it’s not the problem you might think it is, which is great news because metal roofs are becoming more and more popular (and for good reason). 

No Increased Risk Of Attraction

It’s a common and perhaps understandable myth that metal roofs attract lightning, but in reality, the material of your roof doesn’t actually influence how often it’ll get struck by lightning – lightning is just as likely to strike a tree, a non-metal roof, or the ground as it is to strike a metal roof. So what does determine where lightning strikes? It’s about height for the most part, as well as isolation, and then the lightning still has to take the path of least resistance to strike anywhere – the material of your roof isn’t a factor. 

Superior Conductivity 

One of the biggest benefits of metal roofs during a lightning strike is that they’re such good conductors – metal is a highly conductive material, and that means it can easily and efficiently transfer the electrical energy from a lightning strike through the building and down into the ground where it’s safe. This is actually known as grounding, and it’s a great way to reduce the risk of damage to your home when lightning and metal roofs come into contact. In other words, if the heat and energy are transferred quickly away from your home, there’s going to be less chance of fire and that’s got to be a good thing. 

Fire Resistance 

Speaking of fire, metal is non-combustible, unlike wood or asphalt shingles, so even if lightning does strike your home, there’s a much lower risk of fire breaking out as a result. The metal just won’t catch fire, so you could think of your metal roof as a barrier, protecting your home from fire that can be caused when lightning strikes. 

Minimal Structural Damage

Because metal roofs are so strong and durable – it’s one of the many reasons people choose them – they’re far less likely to suffer any structural damage from a lightning strike. That’s a huge difference compared to a non-metal roof, which could be burned, warped, melted, and so on. 

How Else Can A Metal Roof Protect My Home?

You now know that a metal roof can protect your home from a lightning strike, but what else can it do? For one thing, it’s going to be highly weather resistant, so it can protect your home against pretty much anything, from heavy rain, snowfall, ice, high winds, and more. 

You’ll also find that metal roofs make your home a lot more energy-efficient, meaning lower cooling costs in summer and heating costs in winter. 

When you’re thinking about the safety of your home, your roof really makes a difference, and opting for a metal roof makes a lot of sense – whether you want to keep safe from lightning, winter weather, or high energy costs, your metal roof is the answer.

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RPS Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc is a manufacturer and distributor of metal roofs. Located in Welaka, Florida, our company has state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment resulting in fine quality metal roofs for commercial, residential and agricultural use.

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