Are Metal Roofs Hotter Than Shingles?

No, metal roofs are not hotter than shingles made from asphalt or other standard materials such as slate, for example.

That said metal roofing, like any other roofing material, will heat up in direct sunlight. But due to the reflective nature of metal, especially in lighter colors, any heat absorption is much more quickly dissipated than in asphalt, slate or ceramic shingles – all of which retain heat over a longer span of time.

To further dispel the myth that metal roofs are hotter than shingles, let’s take a look at some of their properties and compare materials.

Thermal Properties of Metal Roofs vs. Shingles

One of the prevalent myths is that metal roofs are inherently hotter than their shingle counterparts. However, the reality is quite different:

Reflectivity and Emissivity

Metal roofs are highly reflective, especially when treated with reflective paint or coatings. This property allows them to reflect a significant amount of sunlight away, reducing heat absorption. Moreover, metals naturally have high emissivity, meaning they can also release absorbed heat more efficiently than shingles.

Energy Star Finishes

Many metal roofs carry Energy Star finishes, which enhance their ability to reflect more sunlight. This can lower surface temperatures by up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit compared to traditional shingle roofs, leading to cooler indoor environments and reduced air conditioning costs.

Optimal Metal Roof Colors for Maximum Cooling

Color plays a pivotal role in the reflective properties of a metal roof:

Best Choices for Hot Climates

In hotter climates, opting for lighter colors such as white, light gray, beige, pale blue, or even light bronze can be beneficial. These colors reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, maintaining a cooler roof surface.

Insulation and Ventilation

The cooling efficiency of metal roofs can be significantly impacted by proper insulation and ventilation:

Importance of Insulation

Insulation helps in reducing heat transfer from the roof into the home, keeping indoor spaces cooler during hot weather.

Effective Ventilation

A well-designed ventilation system removes hot air from under the roof, further aiding in temperature regulation inside the house.

Durability and Maintenance: Metal Roofs vs. Shingles

Metal roofs not only excel in thermal management but also offer enhanced durability and lower maintenance requirements:


While the initial cost of a metal roof might be higher, they typically last 40 to 70 years, much longer than the 15 to 20 years typical of asphalt shingles.

Weather Resistance

Metal roofs are more resistant to cracking, eroding, and decay from weather elements compared to shingles. They are also excellent for areas prone to heavy snow, hail, or extreme weather, as they can shed such elements more effectively.

Absolutely, I’ll elaborate on the sections about insulation, ventilation, and the environmental impacts of metal roofs to provide more depth and understanding.

Insulation and Ventilation: Enhancing Metal Roof Efficiency

The overall effectiveness of a metal roof in regulating indoor temperatures significantly depends on proper insulation and ventilation. These two factors work hand in hand to enhance the comfort of your home, irrespective of external weather conditions.

Importance of Insulation in Metal Roofing

Insulation under a metal roof serves as a critical barrier that prevents heat from penetrating into the living spaces below. It essentially acts as a thermal buffer—during hot weather, it keeps the interior cool by blocking heat from entering, and in cold weather, it retains warmth within the home. High-quality insulation materials such as spray foam, rigid board, and batt insulation are popular choices for achieving an effective thermal barrier. Additionally, proper installation around areas like vents, chimneys, and the edges of the roof ensures that there are no gaps or leaks, maximizing the insulation’s effectiveness.

Ventilation Systems: A Necessity for Metal Roofs

Ventilation plays a pivotal role in the performance of a metal roof. A well-designed ventilation system helps mitigate the heat accumulated under the roof by allowing air to circulate freely. This circulation helps to remove excess heat and moisture from the air, which not only keeps the building cooler but also prevents issues such as mold growth and structural damage from condensation. Techniques like ridge vents, soffit vents, and powered ventilators can be employed to ensure that there is a continuous flow of air under the roof, thereby optimizing the roof’s temperature-regulating capabilities.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are not just beneficial for individual homeowners but also for the environment. Their sustainability profile is supported by several key features:

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Metal roofs reflect more sunlight and emit heat more efficiently than traditional roofing materials. This reflective property reduces the need for air conditioning, leading to lower energy consumption and a reduced carbon footprint. Over the lifespan of the roof, this can result in significant energy savings and contribute to a reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions.

High Recyclability and Low Waste

Unlike many traditional roofing materials, metal roofs can be fully recycled at the end of their lifespan. The ability to recycle old metal roofing materials ensures that they do not contribute to landfill waste. Furthermore, many new metal roofs contain a high percentage of recycled content, enhancing their sustainability quotient from production through disposal.

Longevity and Durability

The durability of metal roofs means they need to be replaced less frequently than traditional roofing materials. This longevity reduces the demand for raw materials and energy for production, further enhancing their environmental friendliness.

Economic Benefits: Analyzing the Cost vs. Value

While the initial cost of installing a metal roof is higher than that of shingles, the long-term benefits offer substantial economic advantages:

Long-term Savings

The superior durability and minimal maintenance requirements of metal roofs mean that homeowners can save on repair and replacement costs. Additionally, the energy efficiency of metal roofs leads to ongoing savings in heating and cooling costs.

Increase in Home Value

Properties with metal roofs often attract higher market values due to their modern appeal and recognized efficiency. This increase in property value can be a significant advantage when selling a home, making metal roofing a wise investment.


Choosing a metal roof offers substantial benefits not only in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability but also from an economic standpoint. By understanding the full range of advantages provided by metal roofing, homeowners can make informed decisions that align with their long-term living and financial goals.

Metal roofs offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond just keeping your home cooler. They are a durable, sustainable, and economically wise choice for modern homeowners. By understanding the properties and benefits of metal roofs compared to traditional shingles, homeowners can make more informed decisions that align with their needs and values.


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RPS Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc is a manufacturer and distributor of metal roofs. Located in Welaka, Florida, our company has state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment resulting in fine quality metal roofs for commercial, residential and agricultural use.

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